Submissions in the form of extended abstracts, short papers, and full manuscripts are welcome.
- all submitted papers will be peer-reviewed
- the congress proceedings will be published under an ISSN and ISBN number
- each paper will be assigned a unique DOI number by Crossref
- the conference proceedings will be indexed by Scopus and Google Scholar
- the proceedings will be permanently archived in Portico (one of the largest community-supported digital archives in the world).
- selected papers from the congress will be submitted for possible publication in one of the following journals (publication fees may apply)
- Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT). Articles published in JFFHMT will now be indexed in Scopus.
- International Journal of Mining, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (IJMMME)
- International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation (IJEPR)
Paper Topics
Interested authors, researchers, and industrial experts are invited to submit their papers to the conference that best resonates with their technical background. At the same time, attendees are permitted, and encouraged, to attend talks from co-located conferences.
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
- Boundary Layers
- Combustion
- Compressible and Incompressible Flows
- Conduction, Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer
- Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS)
- Drag Reducation
- Drying
- Energy Storage
- Environments and Heat Transfer
- Experimental Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
- Fuel Cells
- Heat, Mass and Momentum Transport
- Heat Exchangers, Other Heat Transfer Devices
- Heat Transfer Enhancement
- Heat Pipes
- Instrumentation and Control
- Laminar Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
- Micro and Nano Fluids
- Molecular Dynamic Simulations (MDS)
- Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer
- Nanotechnology Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
- Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
- Numerical Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
- Phase Change Phenomena
- Porous Media
- Renewable and Non Renewable Energy
- Rheological Behaviour of Fluids
- Thermophysical Properties
- Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer
- Turbomachinary
Mechanics and Industrial Engineering
- Aerodynamics
- Aerospace Systems and Technology
- Applications of AI Techniques in Design and Manufacturing
- Applied Mechanics
- Automation
- Biomechanics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Design and Manufacturing
- Energy Management
- Fluid Dynamics
- Fuels and Combustion
- Green Manufacturing
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Tribology
- Instrumentation and Control
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Materials Preparation and Processing
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Education
- Mechatronics
- Micro-Machining
- Modeling of Processes
- Nanotechnology
- Optimization of Systems
- Renewable and Non-Renewable Energies
- Reverse Engineering
- Robotics
- Solid Mechanics
Mining, Material, and Metallurgical Engineering
- Biomedical Materials
- Carbon based Materials
- Casting
- Coating
- Composite Materials
- Corrosion
- Geology
- High Strength Alloys
- Instrumentation and Control
- Magnetic Materials
- Materials Physics
- Materials Processing and Handling
- Metal Processing
- Metallurgical Fundamentals and Techniques
- Mineral Processing
- Mining and Safety
- Mining Fundamentals and Techniques
- Mining Societal and Economic Aspects
- Nanotechnology, Mining, Metallurgical and Material Engineering
- New Materials and Performances
- Optical Material
- Phase Diagram
- Petroleum Engineering
- Polymetric Materials
- Reservoir Engineering
- Semiconductors
- Smart Materials
- Solidification
- Surface Phenomena
Chemical and Polymer Engineering
- Air, Water, Wastewater, and Soil Management and Treatment
- Applied Chemistry
- Biochemical Engineering
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biopolymers
- Cell and Tissue Engineering
- Chemical Industries Challenges
- Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Education
- Desalination
- Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering
- Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer
- Food Processing
- Green Chemistry
- Nanotechnology
- Non-Newtonian Flow and Heat Transfer
- Petroleum Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Industries
- Polymer Biomaterials
- Polymer Processing
- Polymer Science and Engineering
- Polymer Synthesis and Structure
- Process Engineering and Control
- Process Modeling and Simulation
- Renewable Chemicals
- Rheology
- Safety and Standardization
- Separation Processes
- Synthesis and Characterization of Catalysts
- Thermodynamics
- Transport Phenomena
Extended Paper Submission Deadline
Extended Notification to Authors
Extended Early-Bird Registration